Momin Siddiqui


Master of Science

Computer Science

Georgia Institute of Technolgoy

My name is Momin Siddiqui, and I’m a master’s student at Georgia Institute of Technology. I work at the Teachable AI Lab (TAIL) as a graduate research assistant, advised by Dr. Christopher Maclellan. My research lies at the intersection of AI and EdTech, where I’m developing intelligent tutoring systems.

During my bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Jamia Milia Islamia, I worked with Dr. Jainendra Shukla at the Human Machine Interaction lab at IIIT Delhi.

I’m interested in understanding how we can leverage rule based AI and machine learning to build eduction tools for students with disabilties.


May 9, 2024 Accepted for work-in-progress paper track at L@S’24
Mar 15, 2024 Accepted for full paper track at AIED 2024
Jan 1, 2024 Joined Teachable AI Lab as Graduate Research Assistant
Aug 21, 2023 Started MS in Computer Science at Georgia Tech
Apr 1, 2023 Accepted for DC Track at AIED 2023